

Finance and back office support from the experts

Zodeq are committed to ensuring each and every one of their clients has the cash flow and support necessary to allow their business to grow and thrive.

With a strong team of industry professionals at the helm, they provide expert guidance to businesses of all shapes and sizes, from start-ups to established businesses.

Invoice finance & back office support specialists

Zodeq is about 'more than money' and they have a relationship based, courteous and professional approach to working with our valued clients. Whether a start-up or established business, they can offer a range of finance and back office support solutions to suit your business’ specific requirements and goals.

With a dedicated team of experts at the helm, they are here to support clients each step of the way; providing a consistent, high level of service throughout.

If you are a company currently using one Zodeq's competitors and would like a chat about switching, please either make contact directly or let us know so that we can make an introduction. The process of switching is very easy and Zodeq have new clients moving to them from our competitors on a regular basis.

About the author
The Introhero Team

The Introhero Team

A bunch of happy people, who want to easily and proactively, bring businesses and like-minded individuals together. A collective central location for collaboration and shaping the future.

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